Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Maori phrase of the week

Growing Crystals

First, me and my class chose a sharpy and a painted popsicle stick. Then we tied the string on the popsikeil stick and then Mrs Natusch  made this thing that is made by water and sugar. Next Mrs Natusch  poured the mixture into the cup. Last of all me and my class put the cups on the widow sill.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Waitomo caves

Waitomo caves By Hannah on PhotoPeach

The glow worm lifecycle

Gloworm lifecycle

This is a glow worm lifecycle. First the adult fly lays eggs and the eggs stay for three weeks and then it hatches into a  glow worm for nine months and turns into a pupa for two weeks. Then hatches into a adult fly and it stays for three then it dies and starts all over again.